
Showing posts from March, 2021

God Knows You

Even before you made any conscious decisions,God knew the choices you were about to take.He knows what you want to say before even saying it.You live every moment in the space of His presence.God knows you so well He already knows wether you have chosen to belong to Him.He knows your pain and your struggle.And He knows your goodness and kindness.So trust that he already knows a solution to your problem. Psalms 139:1 O lord ,You have examined my heart and know everything about me.

God Knows You

Even before you made any conscious decisions,God knew the choices you were about to take.He knows what you want to say before even saying it.You live every moment in the space of His presence.God knows you so well He already knows wether you have chosen to belong to Him.He knows your pain and your struggle.And He knows your goodness and kindness.So trust that he already knows a solution to your problem. Psalms 139:1 O lord ,You have examined my heart and know everything about me.

A Beautiful Future

 With God's help, you can make your dreams come true, embracing a new and brighter future.But,if you want to take God's promises as your own, you must be prepared to call on Him,to seek His will and obey Him.Only then will the Lord undertake to answer you and fulfill  your expectations.. Psalm; 16:6 The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places:indeed,I have a beautiful inheritance.

Use Your Time Well

 God made everything to fit a determined time.And it is gods will that you use the time that He has entrusted to you with caution, so that you will make the most of your time to become wiser and successful.The most important time is make good use of it. Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatever your hands finds to dodo it with all your might.

Accept Yourself

 God made you in His image to be his representitive here on earth,Make it your task to accept yourself.stop comparing yourself to other people.Focus on your good qualities and use them for the good.You are the image bearer to God Himself. Live and inspire trough His name. Genesis 1:27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created Him,male  and female.

A Specific Purpose

 You can know that you are important to God,He loves you unconditionally.You are not just alive by chance;God put you in the place where you are now because he has a specific purpose in mind for you.Therefore,always try to be the best version of yourself.Find out what things God  has in mind for you and do your talents and then think about all the struggles you overcame.Your struggle is a opportunity to help others overcome them too. Ephesians 2:10 We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,wich God prepared in advance for us to do.

Live Positively

The way in witch we look at our life is much more significant than the things that happens to you.If you truly want to be happy you will need to learn to see life in a positive way.And God will make it possible for you because He promised that he will cause all things, even the negative ones, to work out for your good in the long run. Romans 8:28. We know that in all things God works for the good of those who loves Him.Who have been called according to His purpose.

Believe in Yourself

People who believe in themselves are not only happier, but they are also more successful.And as a christian you never have to doubt your abilities, you know that you have God who can do all things on your side.There is absolutely nothing that is impossible for Him,and with His help and strength you will also be able to move mountains.      Matthew 17:20 If you have faith, you can say to this mountain,"Move from here to there; and it will move.Nothing will be impossible for you.'

God Loves the broken hearted

Everyone goes through life with challenges.We were not promised a problem free life.At some point in life,we all will have a "broken past".That one problem that we face that will brake us down,to fall on our knees and cry out to God.Even the Disciples's in the Bilble were tested on their faith for expl;"David  in the lion den"& "The Disciples's on the sea at Galilee." when they were in a storm.Our faith will be tested at some point.But what I have learned about God is that He does not test our faith to punish us.But to call us to come to Him.Your problem that you are facing is "Actually "God crying out to "YOU".Because He wants to build a relationship with you.He wants you to come to Him to ask Him for His help.Your problem is not liabilty to your life but a blessing.He is testing our faith to see how much trust we are going to put in Him,before we turn to other people for help .Example"when you find out you are sick,d