God Knows You

Even before you made any conscious decisions,God knew the choices you were about to take.He knows what you want to say before even saying it.You live every moment in the space of His presence.God knows you so well He already knows wether you have chosen to belong to Him.He knows your pain and your struggle.And He knows your goodness and kindness.So trust that he already knows a solution to your problem. Psalms 139:1 O lord ,You have examined my heart and know everything about me.

Live Positively

The way in witch we look at our life is much more significant than the things that happens to you.If you truly want to be happy you will need to learn to see life in a positive way.And God will make it possible for you because He promised that he will cause all things, even the negative ones, to work out for your good in the long run.
Romans 8:28. We know that in all things God works for the good of those who loves Him.Who have been called according to His purpose.


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