God Knows You

Even before you made any conscious decisions,God knew the choices you were about to take.He knows what you want to say before even saying it.You live every moment in the space of His presence.God knows you so well He already knows wether you have chosen to belong to Him.He knows your pain and your struggle.And He knows your goodness and kindness.So trust that he already knows a solution to your problem. Psalms 139:1 O lord ,You have examined my heart and know everything about me.

A Specific Purpose

 You can know that you are important to God,He loves you unconditionally.You are not just alive by chance;God put you in the place where you are now because he has a specific purpose in mind for you.Therefore,always try to be the best version of yourself.Find out what things God  has in mind for you and do them.discover your talents and then think about all the struggles you overcame.Your struggle is a opportunity to help others overcome them too.

Ephesians 2:10 We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,wich God prepared in advance for us to do.


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